Reviewer Team

  • Prof. Milagros R. Baldemor,PhD,  Google Profile, Scopus iD: , Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, Philippines, [Profil]
  • Prof. Dr. Hoga Saragih, MT., Google Profile, Scopus iD: 26656171300 , Universitas Bakrie, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Dr. Gunawan, S.T.,M.Kom, Google Profile, Scopus iD: 57214095217, Politeknik Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
  • Dr. Mochamad Wahyudi,MM,M.Kom,M.Pd Google Profile, Scopus iD: 57144449500,Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Jakarta, INA
  • Husain, S.Kom.,M.Kom,Google Profile, Scopus iD: 57211276793, Lombok, Universitas Bumigora, NTB, Indonesia
  • Dadang Priyanto,S.Kom., M.Kom Google Profile, Scopus iD: 57211266124,Lombok, Universitas Bumigora, NTB, Indonesia
  • Fristi Riandari, S.Kom., M.KomGoogle Profile, Scopus iD: 57202376726,Medan, Institute of Accounting Research and Novation (IARN), Sumatera Utara Indonesia
  • Deki Zulkarnain, S.Si., MBAGoogle Profile, Scopus iD: 57190250171, Institute of Computer Science (IOCS), Sumatera Utara, Indonesia